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A Brotherly Rivalry


在他们的一生中,史蒂文和本·梅尔斯,双胞胎兄弟,还有 南泽西州罗文学院(RCSJ)的棒球运动员,一直是队友 on and off the field. That is until Fall 2021 when they embarked on their higher education and athletic journeys. They both ended up at the same school, but on different campuses and different teams. 

史蒂文, who is older than 本 by a mere 三个 minutes, was 被威尼斯人注册RCSJ招募,是路跑队的替补投手. 本 曾被RCSJ 坎伯兰看中,现在是 公爵. 

The brothers, graduates of 金斯威 Regional High School in 威尼斯人注册县,现在正处于最激烈的竞争之一的对立面 in Region XIX sports. 

“That’s kind of just how it ended up. Because recruiting-wise, 坎伯兰从来没有真正招募我,威尼斯人注册也从来没有招募他。 史蒂文. “I don’t know how that happened, but we were like, ‘alright.’”

“我们从来没有真正有过去同一所学校的相同愿望 school,” 本 revealed. “He wasn’t even really sure he was going to play baseball in college.”

发现坎伯兰郡和威尼斯人注册是敌人 landscape of sports was a surprise to both. 

“我们不知道我们是对手,直到我们发现我们是,”本说 沉思. “We didn’t know they were big-time rivals in baseball.”

“我们真的不明白这是一场多大的竞争,”史蒂文说 添加. “当我到威尼斯人注册的时候,每个人都说‘你哥哥在 坎伯兰? That’s our rival!” 

当他们意识到激烈的竞争时 between the two teams, 史蒂文 threw down the gauntlet. “I told him to be ready, we’re going to try and beat you.”

四月初,当路跑队和杜克队正面交锋时 在三场比赛的系列赛中,这是这对双胞胎第一次互相交手 other on the diamond. 威尼斯人注册 won that round, winning two out of 三个. 

“我真想三次打败他们,”史蒂文说 露齿而笑. “当我们在同一支球队时,我们曾经面对过对方,但现在不是 反对团队.” 

“Seeing him in the opposite dugout is different,” said 本. “It 从另一边看他就站在那里感觉很奇怪吗. 他是 usually standing right next to me in the same dugout.” 

Prior to enrolling at RCSJ, the twins spent four years at 金斯威. 他们是多项运动的明星,踢足球,打棒球,还有 帮助棒球队在大二时赢得了分区冠军. The brothers left a lasting legacy at the school. 

“本和史蒂文是我见过的最好的两个年轻人 金斯威棒球队教练比尔·阿尔瓦罗(Bill Alvaro)说. “它们都是。 极具竞争力,愿意做任何事情来帮助他们的球队获胜. 他们是 两者都是我们开始体验成功的重要原因 here at 金斯威.”

Currently, in Division III Baseball, 威尼斯人注册 is ranked No. 2 and 坎伯兰 is ranked No. 7 in the nation, respectively. 史蒂文 and 本 are key contributors to their 小队.

生物学专业的史蒂文在常规赛中出场了13场比赛 季节. 他以1胜1负的战绩完成了两次扑救,为路跑队效力. In 17 innings, he allowed only 18 打击s and six earned runs. 他场均10分.59次三振 每场比赛. 

本主修教育学,是杜克队的顶级击球手之一. He finished the regular 季节 with a .377 batting average and belted 三个 home runs, had 23 RBI, scored 51 runs and stole nine bases. 

Both teams advanced to this weekend’s Region XIX Final Four 比赛. 5月20日周五,坎伯兰大学将对阵布鲁克代尔社区学院 杜克棒球场和威尼斯人注册拥有北安普顿社区学院 at the Rowan College Athletic Complex. The games are scheduled for an 11 a.m. 开始. 

If both teams win, they will meet in the finals. Intriguingly, if 威尼斯人注册和坎伯兰为进入乙级联赛的机会而战 世界职业棒球大赛,在田纳西州格林维尔举行,有机会 brothers may face each other on the field. Years of being teammates – plus 他们独特的双重直觉将使潜在的配对成为最终的 challenge for both. 

“如果我面对他,他会知道我要扔什么,” 史蒂文承认. “他一直在看我投球……他知道什么是投球。 接下来. (在整个比赛中,本是他哥哥的捕手 their baseball careers). 

“He knows how each pitch moves. I feel like if I were going to 面对他,我需要在最好的位置投出最好的球,否则他会被 打击. If I face him, I need to be unpredictable and with my best 的东西.”  

“I would love to face him,” said 本. “I know what he throws. I know how hard he throws. He’ll probably mix up his whole pitch sequence because he knows I know what he throws.”

既然这对兄弟和最好的朋友现在成了对手,那就不是了 surprise some trash-talking occurs between them. “He always says he’ll carve our team up,” 本 said, “and I’m like yeah, Ok 史蒂文. I’ll just tell everyone 即将发生的事. 我就大声说出来,没人会生气,因为 我们是兄弟!”

当被问及他是否愿意为他的兄弟演奏一些悦耳的音乐时 if they faced each other 史蒂文 replied, “I don’t know. I’m going to let my pitching coach call pitches, and then execute.” Then after contemplating 一会儿,“也许如果我们赢了很多,你永远不会知道. 我可能会扔 one at him,” he said with a chuckle. 

“如果我们面对面,我不会撒谎,我可能会 开始 laughing at first,” said 本. “If he 打击s me with a pitch, man, I’ll go 坚果. But it’ll be a good battle. He’ll probably just play games with me, but 我们将会看到.”

本想象着如果他被击中,他的反应会是什么 哥哥. “I would chirp like crazy!” he said with a laugh. 

史蒂文分享了他对这对潜在搭档的看法 him and his younger twin would look like. “Everyone on my team and everyone on 他的团队会知道我面对的是我哥哥,所有人都会喜欢 it. 


更新: 当RCSJ威尼斯人注册路跑队在第19 /N区以9比1击败RCSJ坎伯兰公爵队时,他们自动获得了参加NJCAA第三赛区世界大赛的资格. Atlantic District Championship game. 比赛于5月21日星期六在威尼斯人注册的主场举行.​

For information about Rowan College of South Jersey athletic 程序,请访问 RCSJ.edu.
