

罗文大学RCSJ & Inspira Health介绍一种节省成本的方法.S.N.

威尼斯人会员注册, 罗文大学, 和Inspira Health开创了Inspira Health Nursing & 健康Professi

​​威尼斯人会员注册, 罗文大学, 和Inspira Health开创了Inspira Health Nursing & 卫生专业大楼增建部分. (从左到右. 弗雷德里克·基廷,RCSJ主席; Dr. 阿里Houshmand,罗文大学校长; Amy 曼苏,Inspira Health的总裁兼首席执行官; Carly Dyal, 2022年RCSJ毕业生和Inspira R.N.; 妮可Czbas, RCSJ Nursing student and Inspira employee; Frank DiMarco, 威尼斯人注册县委员会主任; Dr. 苏珊大厅, RCSJ护理学 & 健康Professions dean; Dr. Brenden瑞卡兹, RCSJ教务长; Michael Girone, Rowan College Foundation chairperson; and Greg Lopergolo, RCSJ董事会成员. (图片由Inspira Health/Michael Ein提供)

10月10日, 威尼斯人会员注册(RCSJ), 罗文大学, Inspira Health推出了护理之路, which offers current and aspiring Inspira employees the opportunity to save big while earning their B.S.N.

“I'm proud to be here to celebrate another great opportunity for our students to be successful in the medical arena,弗兰克·迪马科说, 威尼斯人注册县委员会主任. “Not only does the Pathway to Nursing program offer students an excellent career path, but it also helps solve the major nursing shortage that our region and nation are struggling to address."

自2022年4月起, Inspira employees and RCSJ students have benefited from the healthcare giant's premier partnership with the College. 学生们已经获得了在Inspira指导下开发的新项目的机会, 独家奖学金, 在Inspira医院的优先临床实习, and pre- and post-graduation employment opportunities; while full-time, 兼职, and per diem employees of Inspira receive a 50% discount on tuition and fees when they enroll in any of RCSJ's 100+ degree and certificate programs.

“我们都知道全国护士短缺. 我们的护士是我们的护理伙伴,对护理团队至关重要。. 曼苏,Inspira Health的总裁兼首席执行官. “这个项目将帮助我们扩大我们地区的护士数量, 我们真的很感激."

修读护理新课程的学生可以使用“3+1”护理课程, 与旗舰合作伙伴罗文大学合作提供, to complete their first three years of education at RCSJ and their final year at 罗文大学 – earning industry-valued credentials along the way that qualify them for employment at Inspira and other healthcare providers in a little as three months. Full- and 兼职 employees of Inspira will have their fourth-year tuition at 罗文大学 paid in full by Inspira, 此外,RCSJ的学杂费还有50%的折扣. 在他们大四的时候, students are only responsible for the cost of textbooks and other educational materials; however, Inspira的全职和兼职员工都有资格获得教科书报销.

“如果你看看整个美国, 你还能在哪里找到上学的机会, 拿个学位,不要负债累累, 然后有份工作等着你,”医生问。. 阿里Houshmand,罗文大学校长. “We have removed the need for such debt through this great partnership because we have leadership at the elected level that is forward looking and willing to partner with us to provide resources, 无论是基础设施, 政治上的支持, 或者为学生提供经济支持."

The Pathway to Nursing is designed to provide industry-valued certificates – including CNA, 用药助手, 医疗助理, 病人护理技术员, 和LPN -在3到9个月内, 全职出勤. 这些证书, 由RCSJ的职业和技术教育部门提供, 提供快速就业能力,并导致接受RCSJ的护理计划. The College's partnership with 罗文大学 provides a seamless transition to the four-year university for students who choose to pursue their B.S.N. 或米.S.N.

“我们致力于培养医疗保健专业人员, 尤其是护士, 以满足我们社区的需求,RCSJ护理学院院长说 & 卫生专业司,博士. 苏珊大厅. “我感谢我们的合作伙伴, 罗文大学和Inspira Health, 还有我们杰出的教师, who have done an amazing job of collaborating to meet the needs of our students so they can graduate fully prepared to care for the health of New Jersey's residents."

这条道路有上下匝道,以适应个人需求. 在获得R之后.N., 学生们可能希望从教育中休息一下,专注于工作, so the program is designed to allow them to reenter when they are ready to earn their B.S.N. Interested healthcare professionals who already possess a related credential or their R.N., 以及在工作中获得的宝贵专业知识, 会被评估并被欢迎进入下一步的护理之路.

“在这个项目中, 我在休厄尔的Inspira急救中心做接待员,一年级护理专业学生和Inspira员工解释道, 妮可Czbas. “我打算在余下的学业中使用Inspira学费折扣. 在我写完R之后.N. 我打算转学到B.S.N. 程序使用3+1程序. This partnership between RCSJ, Rowan and Inspira will be monumental for the students in my field."

The first three years of education can be completed on RCSJ's 坎伯兰 or 威尼斯人注册 campus. The final year can be completed in-person on 罗文大学's Camden or Glassboro campus, 通过罗文在线, 或者在RCSJ的校园里. 在获得B之后.S.N., graduates who had their final year of the program paid by Inspira agree to a two-year employment commitment with the organization. B.S.N名选择攻读硕士学位的毕业生.S.N. will be actively sought by RCSJ to enhance the College's faculty and program advisory boards.

“对我来说, the most exciting part of today was watching these 120-some RCSJ Nursing students join us for today's announcement, 因为这让我有机会亲眼目睹我们为什么要这么做,”博士说。. 弗雷德里克·基廷,RCSJ主席. “This is what it's about: Drawing talented and creative people to the field of medicine so that we can meet the needs of the future. There's not a single component of allied health or nursing that is not desperately needed in this county."

The “3+1" Nursing program is open to all individuals who meet academic criteria; employment with Inspira is not required for enrollment. 然而, 享受护理之路的全部好处, RCSJ鼓励学生去探索 职业生涯.InspiraHealthNetwork.org to discover employment opportunities for job seekers at all levels of education and secure their place on a pathway to graduating with minimal debt and gainful employment.

“I was lucky to have amazing faculty at RCSJ that were all invested in helping my cohort to become great nurses,卡莉·戴尔想道, 2022年RCSJ毕业生,现任R.N. 在Mullica Hill的Inspira医疗中心. “到了申请工作的时候,我知道我想为Inspira工作. Most of my clinicals were at Inspira facilities and the staff all seemed to really enjoy their jobs. 超出了我的期望. 整个组织真正关心他们的员工, 他们营造了一个不断学习和成长的环境. I feel that my transition from nursing student to nurse went extremely smoothly and Inspira has provided me with so many opportunities and support."

活动以在Inspira护理中心举行的奠基仪式结束 & 卫生专业中心. 扩建工程正在进行中, 通过保障我们孩子的未来债券法案支付, will add eight fully equipped laboratory spaces and allow for a 25% increase in the number of students accepted into the College's healthcare certificate programs. These programs quickly deliver the credentials required for immediate employment to aspiring healthcare professionals and provide an affordable, 精简的路径,为那些希望在他们的领域进步, 增加他们的赚钱潜力, 并通过护理之路实现他们的职业目标.

“如果没有我们县的支持和远见,这种扩张是不可能实现的, 我们的国家, 以及我们的合作伙伴, 罗文大学和Inspira,博士说。. Brenden瑞卡兹, RCSJ教务长. 没有他们的支持, we could not develop new and innovative programs that will support the workforce of tomorrow."

To learn more about the Pathway to Nursing and the 30+ healthcare degree and certificate programs offered through RCSJ, 访问 RCSJ.edu/Inspira.​​
