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RCSJ Student’s Podcast Tops True Crime Lists


​​ 安德烈·马修斯, RCSJ Journalism major and creator/host of top-rated true crime podcast, "Bruh Issa Murder."​​

南泽西州罗文学院(RCSJ)的一名学生对恐怖和真实犯罪故事的热爱使他成为播客领域不可忽视的力量. Earlier this year, 安德烈·马修斯’ "布鲁·伊萨·谋杀" program reached No. 1 on cosmopolitan.com’s “The 40 Best True-Crime Podcasts to Listen to in 2022.”

马修斯的播客给了他和他的搭档一个机会,让人们了解那些发生在被剥夺公民权的社区、特别不为公众所知的犯罪行为. “We cover cases that aren’t getting enough attention,马修斯说。, a self-professed true crime nerd. “我们还将突出不同的社会问题纳入其中.”

马修斯, 大二学生, has been a fan of horror since he was a kid, and his favorite horror flick was the original “Candyman.”

“‘Candyman’ terrified me because I was like, “哦,不, they’re in the ‘hood now and I live in the ‘hood!“它看起来太真实了,因为我在费城长大,它看起来就像我的邻居. And – I saw bees sometimes,” he said with a chuckle.

随着年龄的增长, 这位新闻专业的学生开始听真实的犯罪播客,对人们的真实故事更感兴趣,而不是虚构的故事. After a while, he noticed something was missing from these podcasts.

“我想开始播客的原因是……我从来没有听过任何人谈论黑人或棕色人种,或者他们在处理这些犯罪时面临的问题,“马修斯 explained. “A lot of times, it goes further than just being a victim of a crime.

“有很多系统和社会问题也会影响受害者成为受害者的原因. 我只是没有听到,所以我就想,‘好吧,我自己来吧.’”


“枪支暴力对黑人和布朗社区的影响贯穿了几代人,马修斯说。. “黑, 原住民和有色人种(BIPOC)社区受到枪支暴力和大规模枪击事件的影响尤为严重. Whenever these shootings happen in these neighborhoods, you never hear people say, ‘I never thought it would ha​ppen here.’

“这些社区没有得到媒体的同等对待,也没有得到收拾残片所需的资源. That trauma isn’t healed. It festers and transfers to the next generation.”

马修斯, who served in the Army National Guard as an 11 b-infantryman 从德尔西地区高中和威尼斯人注册县理工学院毕业后,他在那里工作了八年, shared his thoughts on how the gun problem can be solved.

“The solution I proposed was common sense gun laws, heavy background checks and getting assault weapons off the streets,他推断道。. “If you’re shooting deer, you don’t need an AR-15. Take it from someone who’s trained in using them. You don’t need it.”

In addition to uncovering these hidden stories, 马修斯还花时间联系了一些案件尚未解决的受害者家属. “I did interviews with different families and, for the most part, 当来自他们家庭和社区之外的人表现出他们的关心时,他们发现这真的是一种宣泄.”

Although 马修斯 created the podcast, 他喜欢有各种各样的共同主持人,他们表达自己的想法,收集信息,与节目的听众分享. 在每个节目结束时,他还会播放一位不知名艺术家的音乐,为节目增添光彩. His favorite part of the show is conversing with his cohorts. “当我和朋友们一起进入虚拟演播室时,我几乎忘记了我在做播客.”

“布鲁·伊萨谋杀案”因为是现场最重要的真实犯罪播客之一而声名狼藉. In addition to the No. 1 ranking it received from  cosmopolitan.com, refinery29.com highlighted the program on its website and harpersbazaar.com named 马修斯’ show one of the best “… for the genre’s biggest fans.”

“I freaked out,马修斯说。 when he learned of his top ranking. “我们着眼于分析……我们看到有多少人在听. 但当我们得到实际的认可时,就像‘哦,人们在听!’”

He was so elated, he told his professor, Dr. 蕾妮·J. 帖子, about the news. “Funny story,” said 帖子, RCSJ Associate Professor of Communications. “安德烈在2022年春季上了我的出版课,他在实验室外面等我开门开始上课. 当我们进入实验室时,我问他最近怎么样,他回答说:‘实际上很好.’

“Then he told me all about his podcast. I was very excited for him and intrigued [by] the focus of his podcast. He was beaming during the entire class because of his accomplishment.”

“She was giddy when I told her the news,“马修斯, 看了珀西·杰克逊的电影后学会背诵希腊字母的人, 添加. “她说,‘我不知道你有播客,我不知道它这么好!’”

“安德烈是一个非常安静的学生,但非常有才华和知识渊博,”教授透露. “Andre thinks outside the box. He is committed to focusing on the bigger, national issues in journalism and his design elements are sound, but also creative.”

波斯特对马修斯成功的播客的真正积极的反应是他很高兴自己选择成为RCSJ学生的原因之一. “这太棒了. What really drew me in was that people are not only willing to help, 但很高兴能给你指明正确的方向,或者找到合适的谈话人.”

马修斯还谈到了学院在帮助他发展节目方面的影响. 大声喊出Dr. 帖子. 我的新闻课确实帮助我磨练了播客的写作技巧,他断言道。.

“在这里,你可以和教授一对一地交流,这对我的帮助很大,不仅仅是对我的成绩, but with hobbies I do outside of school. I think that’s a real RCSJ 坎伯兰 experience.”

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